is instant manifestation the goal?

the other day i had a conversation with some portal members and they asked me a question that i believe is sooooo relevant and useful for #bornawakes® worldwide to understand! if we are masters who came to embody that mastery in 3d...does that mean instant manifestation is the goal?

said differently: if we are masters who came to embody that mastery in 3d, does that mean we will be self-actualized/have succeeded in embodying our mastery, when our manifestations materialize instantly in 3d reality? does the speed at which we manifest, reflect how embodied we are in our mastery? should we be measuring the materialization of our manifestations in 3d (or lack thereof) to chart our progress?

this might ruffle some feathers, but... no.

the desire to manifest instantly is based on lack. it is based on the perception that something about how things are, now in this moment, needs to be different. the desire to manifest instantly as a #bornawake® comes from self-doubt of our own mastery. it comes from a fear that we are just kidding ourselves, we aren’t really master beings who came here to support collective evolution. we are actually just joe schmoe, some regular dummy, who fancies themselves all special.

terrified to own our mastery out of fear of later being exposed or revealed to be - gasp! - regular, we are looking for proof of who and what we are. once we have proof, we figure, we can start owning that sh*t. but until we have proof it’s just too risky. too potentially embarrassing. and too devastating, to consider believing in one more thing as ‘the solve’ for how disconnected and hopeless we often feel...only to be let down AGAIN. the risk of owning our #bornawake®-ness just feels too scary at the beginning. that’s normal!

but here’s a secret i have for you. whenever you need 3d reality to provide you with confirmation or proof of what you know energetically to be push that confirmation further away. to truly step into ownership of ‘i am fully, 100%, at all times creating my reality’ you cannot look to 3d for hints, or encouragement, or validation. paradoxically, as soon as you stop looking or needing that validation from 3d, it will provide it in spades. because you ALREADY KNEW inside yourself that that’s what you were creating - and you were unshakeable in your knowing.

okay so now that we’ve covered why seeking or aiming for instant manifestation is a fool’s errand (and actually just an indication of where you have sh*t to work through - feel free to get in on the portal to start shifting that nonsense), let’s address a slightly separate aspect of this question. if embodying our mastery in 3d means stepping into and owning the truth that we are 100%, at all times, creating our reality - then isn’t it only logical to assume that successful mastery embodiment would LEAD to instant manifestation?

this is a complex question because just because we are fully, 100% creating our reality at all times doesn’t mean that all aspects of it can be shifted in an instant at will. there can be this perception in spiritual/new age circles that ALL of 3d life comes purely from our own mind or consciousness being projected into our environment. as such, if we change our own frequency ANY AND ALL ASPECTS of our reality should shift right away. right?

here’s the thing. we come to earth because we ENJOY THE EXPERIENCE OF BEING ALIVE. if shifting anything instantly was the point, we would have chosen to stay pure consciousness. part of what being alive is, is experiencing the illusions of time and space. the magical illusion of having a body that needs food and water. these sorts of things. part of the choice to come to earth, is essentially agreeing to participate in particular experiences of ‘reality’ that we share as a collective. there are contracts at play that are much larger than one individual being. yes, we can remove ourselves from those contracts by doing energetic work and often completing these contracts is necessary to truly FEEL sovereign while having a human experience.

however, often participating in these dynamics is part of what’s required to materialize in 3d. you can participate in a sovereign way - meaning, it’s a free will choice rather than ‘this is the only path to my destination.’ but oftentimes these larger dynamics ARE a part of what aligns for our manifestations to materialize in 3d. it’s just the rules of this board game! you can enjoy it as long as you understand oh yeah, i signed up to play monopoly (or whatever) so i’m not gonna be pissed about having to wait a few turns to buy the light blue square. it’s part of the game. it’s all good.

what creates urgency is when we don’t understand the game or the rules we agreed to ‘play by’ as part of having the human experience. what creates feelings of powerlessness or panic, is when we are still personally tied into these collective narratives/contracts and so they don’t feel like a playful choice but rather like an obligation (this is where the portal comes in).

if you know your thing is coming, and you have the tools to understand the 3d dynamics at play that need to align in time and space in order for the manifestation to materialize in 3d... then the waiting becomes REALLY FUN AND EASY.

it becomes a period of just looking around saying hmmm, anything else I need to clear up in order to allow this to drop in? let me go check in the absolute. oh cool, after that meditation it’s so clear to me that there are 6 months before this can drop in so how can I spend my time for the next 6 months? how does knowing how long it’s gonna be influence my budget, how much healing I’m doing per day, etc etc? (the portal gives you all these tools btw).

do you see how instant manifestation actually comes from a place of the being who is still looking for validation or proof of their mastery in 3d? do you see how the true embodied master doesn’t NEED that proof because they are anchored in the knowledge that they are 100% empowered in creating their reality?

an aside: part of the instant manifestation rhetoric comes from the idea that we have a purpose we’re supposed to find, and when we do, everything just flows. NONE OF THIS APPLIES IF YOU ARE #BORNAWAKE®. PERIOD. what this means is, if you go into meditation and are shown that the thing you’re looking to materialize will take 2 years and you don’t want to wait 2 years? YOU CAN PICK SOMETHING ELSE. and there is no punishment for it, and you won’t leave anyone behind who needed your help, and you won’t flunk your mission. you get to pick your mission. (more on that here).

i hope this post helps you feel less stressed! don’t worry about instant manifestation. focus on the energetics and get comfortable owning your mastery! let me know your thoughts, reach out with any questions/comments etc. ready for the portal? sign up here. thanks for reading! until next time,



seeking vs mastery


this is how #bornawakes® self-sabotage