finding your purpose won’t help - here’s why

OKKKKK, so my title is a little dramatic. let me modify: finding your purpose in 3d won’t help. at all. it only helps if you lock in your mastery/mission from the absolute. #sorrynotsorry :)

what’s different about being #bornawake® when it comes to “finding your purpose”?

we don’t have a purpose. we don’t have a ‘thing’ we’re here to uncover, and dedicate ourselves to. we are here to complete attachments. we are here to master the energetics of moving energy and the absolute top-down through our systems so that the human operating system possesses this technology in future generations. and we’re right in feeling that society doesn’t value or recognize this ability. the thing is - we don’t need society’s approval to begin living this way, having the exact experience we desire in 3d.

bottom-up energetics are about waking up to our true frequency and our zoomed-out/absolute ‘mission’ through effort and dedication to a 3D purpose; top-down energetics are about understanding our mission on the ABSOLUTE level and selecting a way to express this in 3d that feels fun, aligned and enjoyable. #bornawakes® work top-down (more coming on this soon).

what does this mean? it means that once i uncovered what i was here to do in the ABSOLUTE sense (supporting myself and the collective in shedding attachments, unlocking mastery, and becoming embodied expressions of our true frequency/the absolute in 3d), i could create any 3d ‘life’ i wanted that met this energetic purpose. do you realize how many ways there are to meet this energetic purpose?!? no WONDER i was so stressed, confused and ashamed. i was looking for ‘the thing’ and didn’t realize i could just pick one.

the work for #bornawakes® is not ‘finding the thing’ but rather completing and releasing enough attachments to uncover and be capable of MANIFESTING the 3d experience you truly desire. you can see how in order to feel worthy and capable of manifesting the 3d experience you desire, you will need to feel deeply embodied and secure in your mastery.

how have bottom-up energetics slowed YOU down in your life - and what would it look like to switch to a top-down perspective? where are you foggy or unclear on the absolute dynamics and causes of your incarnation? it’s time to look at how you’re seeking or searching for ‘the thing’ outside yourself. because as a #bornawake®, you cannot wake up to your why. it’s already in you, and 3d cannot help you find it. it comes from the absolute!

an easy thing to do is to make a list of where you are working bottom-up in your life, or where you are seeking enlightenment/answers. what would it mean to switch to top-down in this area - what would that look like, in practical terms? how would you need to show up differently?

in a larger sense, that clarity and focus you are longing for will come through clarifying and honing your true frequency. i teach on this in the portal, if you’re ready to dive in! :)

that’s all for now. get in touch with your questions and topic requests! or dive deeper now in the portal. thanks for reading! until next time,



navigating the interplay of trauma and attachments pt. 1


how to tell if it’s karmic