seeking vs mastery
today we dive into a theme from this post on our IG. namely: stop denying your mastery just because you don’t know what’s next.
it’s all well and good to read this, or to resonate with it intuitively...but what does it actually mean to own your mastery? what does it actually mean to deny it?
in today’s article, seeking vs mastery, we’re going to break down the characteristics and patterns of these two opposing approaches to life. neither is right or wrong - they are just different ways to experience 3d reality, depending on your goals and what you desire to experience in this lifetime! if you resonate with the idea of wanting to actually OWN and EMBODY your mastery in 3d, it’s important to understand the qualities of doing so as well as the qualities of seeking. that way you can recognize when you are falling into old habits or letting fear take over.
key qualities of seeking
the belief that there is a mission or purpose you were ‘meant’ to live out in this lifetime
the belief that benevolent forces outside of yourself know more or better than you
waiting for layers of truth to be revealed to you
feeling broken, incomplete, in need of healing
the experience that you are still missing a tool/lesson/experience
needing experiences in 3d in order to propel growth and transformation
still cultivating an inner knowing: either it isn’t developed yet, or you struggle to trust it
paying attention to teachers, spiritual traditions and self-help gurus above and beyond your own gut instincts and intuitive guidance
you are more interested in having beautiful experiences than in honing your inner knowing
afraid to commit to manifesting particular 3d outcomes, both because you fear you will be incapable of doing so, and also because you fear you will pick the ‘wrong’ one and be punished/go backwards karmically
say yes to any and all opportunities that show up in your field out of the belief that the universe sent them to you - a sense of obligation to go along with what 3d life presents to you
afraid to say ‘no’ to opportunities or to only do what you want, out of fear that you will ‘miss’ your true purpose and ‘fail’ your karmic contract
the belief that triggers, conflict, and 3d struggles are a necessary part of transformation and upleveling
the belief that everything is a mirror of your own internal state and needs to be addressed immediately. this creates a reactive, chaotic response to 3d life and a frantic discombobulated sense of self
key qualities of mastery
knowing what you know, no matter how scary it is or how alone you feel initially in your knowing
the belief that you are 100% creating your reality, at all times, in all ways
the understanding that all ‘signs’ and ‘opportunities’ were sent BY YOU, as a result you are entirely sovereign in your decision to accept or decline them
the trust that there are many paths and options available to you
the experience of being SOVEREIGN to pick and design the life you desire
a willingness to prioritize internal transformation and energetic work, above and beyond 3d life
the belief that karma, attachments, programming etc can be resolved without EVER having to materialize them in your 3d experience
trusting that all layers of truth are fully available to you in every moment, and it’s up to you to decide the pace at which you want to see these truths
only saying yes to the things that feel amazing to you, with zero guilt. if you say yes to things that feel less amazing, it’s because you were shown intuitively that they are the next step towards the amazing thing so it is worth it.
knowing you are already healed and whole.
knowing you have ALREADY DONE THIS. there is no work for you here. you are here to anchor the frequency of the absolute, and that’s it.
picking and choosing between teachers, spiritual traditions and self-help gurus to find gems that resonate with your inner knowing. never feeling obligated to take on an entire teaching, instead running it all through your gut instincts and only keeping what feels right
understanding that all spiritual concepts are simply ways to experience this 3d life; it’s easy for you to feel detached and neutral as you experiment with different ones
feeling free and safe to have only an energetic mission; knowing you are worthy and allowed to live without accepting any mission/purpose unless you WANT one
whew! that was fun!
as you can see, and as we alluded to in the IG post...usually we deny our mastery because doing so feels safer.
it feels safer to pretend you are still seeking. it’s less risky to continue operating under the narrative that it’s up to the universe to show you the way, or that if you just wait and chase every random sign or opportunity that shows up in your life you will eventually find your purpose! the one thing you were meant to do, the thing that will fix everything, most of all that desperate feeling inside, and make you feel WHOLE.
here’s the rub: if you’re #bornawake® you’re a master. you just ARE. so pretending to still be seeking will never lead to the contentment and satisfaction you are craving. i’m sorry. i know how disappointing that is to hear. i have no illusions about how terrifying it is to wave goodbye to everything that has ever worked for any prior generation, and do something completely different. i am not saying it’s going to be easy. but it IS the only path i have ever witnessed that gave a #bornawake® the satisfaction and inner peace they are craving.
still undecided? i don’t blame you one bit! let’s chat a little more about some baby steps you can take to start playing around with what it would mean to be a master. what it would mean to own that in the world. if you work up to it slowly it doesn’t have to be so scary! and as you start to see how GOOD it feels to own your mastery, it’ll get easier and easier to choose actions and thought patterns that honor who you truly are. pretending to be something you’re not takes a huge toll on the system.
a super-easy step is to start focusing your healing work and internal transformation on what you desire to experience, INSTEAD of basing it on what’s occurring in your 3d life. for example: most people base their healing and inner work on what is triggering them in that moment. however, these triggers could be being sent by any myriad of sources that may or may not be relevant to you creating a life of satisfaction and contentment - or whatever it is you want! especially in the beginning, when you are afraid to step out and admit what you truly want to create in your life...DON’T REACT TO 3D. focus on what you want to transform, and don’t let 3d distract you! if you’re looking for tools to support this process feel free to check out the portal.
another great step is to focus on building your trust and confidence in your inner knowing. you can google this one, but there are a zillion resources to help you hone your intuition and connect to who you truly are. obviously, i’m privy to the activations in the portal. i believe working with the absolute is the most efficient and powerful energetic tool available to us. i hear it time and again from clients and portal members - that they’re blown away by the efficiency and effectiveness of this approach.
you can also journal on what scares you about the idea of owning your mastery. does it just feel impossible to live without needing to take on a mission or purpose? is there deep obligation around playing out karma in 3d life? do you feel guilty being a master and not helping absolutely anyone who needs it? really sit with this question, and identify your biggest points of resistance. if you are a portal member take them through the relevant activation; if not, use whatever processes you have at your disposal to move through these types of blocks.
this should be plenty for you to start! please get in touch with any questions, comments etc. sign up for the portal here; otherwise, thanks for reading! until next time,