is this making you want to give up?

hi friends! spirit here. i’ve been getting a lot of questions lately around the same topic. namely - i’ve already completed an attachment about this dynamic. why is it still showing up in my experience? said differently, i thought i already healed this thing but it’s back in a different form. did i fuck up? am i getting it wrong somehow? no, you’re not! while the specifics can vary, the reason it’s happening (short answer) is this: you have more than one open attachment related to the dynamic.

i remember when i first received the #bornawake® download and understood that i was a MASTER, i kind of thought ‘oh okay cool, so that means everything will be easy and probably really fast. if not i’m fucking up.’ yes and no.

being #bornawake® is about having the understanding, the desire deep in your core that everything SHOULD be instant and easy. it’s the longing for this experience that is the definition of mastery, because you come into life already understanding that all of this is a video simulation. why shouldn’t you be able to fast-forward, rewind or skip scenes as desired? the DESIRE is what makes you a master. you come in knowing this is possible and looking to make it true, MANIFEST, materialized in your 3d experience.

if we compare this to an awakening being, they don’t know any of this when they are born. either they haven’t learned it yet because they’re a pretty new soul, or they choose to forget it to have the ‘awakening’/ ‘remembering’ experience. as #bornawakes® we are not remembering. we are born knowing. that’s what makes us different.

however i want to highlight the distinction between knowing this and materializing in it 3d. being born with a roadmap inside that intuitively senses a simpler, faster way to operate doesn’t mean you ALREADY KNOW how to operate that way. do you see the difference?

the materialization of your knowing IN 3D - that’s what you’re here to do. and you’re still new to that. every other time you’ve materialized your desires in 3d it’s been in a bottom-up (ie, awakening) way. not to mention those masteries, the methods of materializing your desires in 3d? they are scattered across space and time, tied up in attachments, dynamics and programs you’re only just scratching the surface of.

so when a dynamic you thought you were done with repeats in your 3d experience, you don’t need to beat yourself up. you don’t need to give up on yourself, your dreams of how life could be, or the work that’s worked for you. self-doubt can be huge at this moment or we project it outwards onto the tools and actions that used to work for us. this is normal but not the truth of what’s occurring. as you begin to understand densities (more on this coming soon) you begin to understand that you can have multiple attachments, ACROSS DENSITIES, that are all interwoven with the same 3d experience. when they are all completed, the dynamic WILL disappear from your experience. guaranteed.

newbies typically doubt the tools and process here, fearing that they will just be ‘stuck’ with the dynamic unresolved forever. more advanced students ask questions like, why is this taking so long? how can i approach this differently to achieve shifts more efficiently? both spaces are okay, but neither is ultimately that productive.

for better or worse, the solve is to continue completing attachments and working with your intuitive guidance system. it’s to build your connection with, and your embodiment of, your absolute self in 3d reality.

when i used to get really discouraged here something that helped was to understand that as a #bornawake® this is truly, what i came here to do! more than anything else i am HERE to complete attachments and pull forward masteries. i can materialize and create all kinds of 3d experiences, events, situations, objects that i desire alongside this. but my actual mission? it’s just to upgrade. expand. become a deeper embodiment of all that is in 3d.

if you are feeling discouraged because you’re working hard to change something and it’s still showing up, here’s what i suggest:

do the absolute self activation in the portal that allows you to chat with this aspect of your being. ask for guidance about moving through the dynamic efficiently, as well as clarity as to what attachments you still have open regarding this. then, utilize the relevant activations to complete whatever attachments remain. ie: soul contracts, genetic, inner child, etc. (all available in the portal).

one other angle to consider is, what’s so shitty about it not being changed yet? what makes it feel urgent? there may be 3d actions to take here. there may be attachments to complete. if it feels less urgent to get to the other side, it can be easier to weather the occasional storm that occurs in an upgrade.

as always, thanks for reading! feel free to check out the portal here, and don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions, comments etc. until next time,



being a master doesn’t mean you know everything.


i believe i’m creating my reality. now what?