when the truth that you’re creating your reality stops doing sh*t
today i want to address a VERY common #bornawake® experience: the experience that no matter how much you recognize and can live in the truth that you are creating your reality - that awareness doesn’t shift ANYTHING.
if you think of the typical trajectory of an awakening being, their whole incarnation has been set up for them to ‘wake up’ to the truth that they are fully creating this experience. in contrast, #bornawakes® are BORN. AWAKE. we know this from jump. so when we are introduced to spiritual tools designed for awakening beings and presented with the ‘end goal’ of being able to take full responsibility for ourselves and our lives, opening the door to transcendence and the dissolution of self? to be honest it feels...underwhelming? like, oh, that’s...it? did we all agree that that was the end goal? because i’m not really feeling it...
however it’s confusing because on a fundamental level we don’t DISAGREE with that perspective. it just feels somehow...un-new. like we already played the game that way. so it’s just this very underwhelming, meh relationship that develops towards growth, spiritual tools, transformation, etc etc. because if the point of that is to transcend...i’m bored.
as #bornawakes® we intuitively sense that our mission is somehow about translating the KNOWLEDGE that we are 100% creating our reality, INTO our 3d experience. so when we try to apply tools designed for awakening beings it always feels like they’re working against us. or just highlighting a block we were already aware of, without actually resolving it. this is because anything that’s designed to help a being REALIZE they are creating their reality won’t solve our problem. if you think about it, awakening beings in a sense master the game of 3d BEFORE they become interested in spiritual concepts. they’ve already done the work of learning how to translate something from a desire, or an internal knowing - INTO their environment. granted, they do this in a slow and painstaking way (from the perspective of #bornawakes®) because they’re trying to BUILD momentum in 3d rather than letting the absolute move down and through. but they KNOW how to work with 3d in that way.
in contrast, as #bornawakes® we have ZERO concept how to work with 3d. we’re comfortable in this detached, none-of-this-is-real viewpoint. and we desperately want to enter into the world of 3d!! we just don’t know how. since we’re already clear on the fact that we’re creating our reality we go straight to blaming ourselves. why are we creating so many 3d blocks? why are we creating the experience of being unable to express our mastery in 3d? how can we feel so awake, so masterful, so wise...and have almost no evidence to support that in our 3d reality?!
often this gets compounded by the fact that when we first were introduced to the spiritual idea of ‘once you realize you’re creating your reality, you can change it however you want’ we found success in at least one area. if you are #bornawake® you have at least one example of successful materialization of a desired experience, item, job, relationship etc. so at this point when that theory that ‘we’re all creating our reality’ is doing NOTHING for you, the feeling is: what changed? why did it work last time but not this time? (the short answer is, you have attachments with whatever you’re working on now but you didn’t have them with the last thing. more on that here). this is such a confusing place to be. it’s excruciating. and when we look to our old tools and perspectives they offer zilch.
the super-exciting invitation of the BORNAWAKE® download is the realization that you’re NOT defective! broken! incapable of the life you desire! YOU’RE JUST #BORNAWAKE®. if you already KNOW that you’re creating your reality, tools designed to support you in arriving at that place ((that you’re already AT)) are obviously not gonna be the solve. in contrast, the #bornawake® operating system is designed to function best when it’s supported in anchoring that absolute frequency and perspective, DOWN and OUT into 3d reality. (if you want to deep dive on this check out the post on directionality).
this is kinda esoteric and if you’re #bornawake® like me i’m sure you’re thinking ‘gimme the actionables’ so let’s go for it! if you’re at this space where the knowledge you’re creating your reality is doing NOTHING other than making you beat yourself up and feel super duper confused, here’s what i would suggest:
choose an experience, item, job, relationship or SHIFT you’re desiring to experience. start small.
consciously focus on the question: if i’m creating my reality, and as of yet i have been unable to create THIS 3d materialization...what programs do i have that are getting in the way of my materializing that experience in 3d? what makes it feel IMPOSSIBLE to me? what would have to change about how i relate to myself, others, or the world in order for that to feel within reach?
it’s looking at where the KNOWING that we’re creating our reality can’t EXPRESS. where does our knowing not match our 3d experience? and then using that as an entry-point, to uncovering attachments and pulling masteries forward.
of course, we can’t talk about this without me bringing up the portal. the portal is our library of meditations, activations and teachings DESIGNED FOR THE #BORNAWAKE® OPERATING SYSTEM. that does not exist anywhere else yet. no one else is offering tools to pull masteries forward. it’s hard for me to take ownership of that sometimes because as a #bornawake® i always want to solve things myself and i know if you’re reading this it’s likely you have that same desire.
i know how hard it can feel to open yourself up to test out and be willing to potentially trust, YET ANOTHER THING. that’s why i made it so affordable. $9.99/mo, cancel anytime. no excuses. just the reality of: are you ready to stop looping in circles, determined to do it yourself? are you ready to BE DONE? either way it’s all good. we love you and we’ll keep writing articles for you to lurk-read :)
as always, thanks for reading! please get in touch with any questions, topic requests, or if you want clarification on something from an article! we love reading your messages. questions help us create articles, IG posts etc that are even more relevant to you.
until next time,