navigating the interplay of trauma and attachments pt. 1

hey #bornawakes®!

i feel really passionately about today’s post, which is the first of a 3-part series. the BORNAWAKE® mission is very focused on the energetics at play in every 3d experience. we’re here to give #bornawakes® the tools to begin living top-down. so we often focus more on the tools and understandings needed to complete higher-density attachments (ie soul contracts, open past life missions, a block related to a specific consciousness/energy, etc). however i don’t want to give people the idea that they can bypass their 3d life experience.

the reason we focus so much on the energetics and higher-density attachments is because NO ONE is offering these tools in a comprehensive, accessible, one-stop-shop way (until now). in contrast, there are about a zillion programs and processes designed to address 3d trauma. the body and the nervous system is not the focus of the work here at BORNAWAKE® however these aspects of being-ness also absolutely require attention and healing!

i am of the opinion that the tools needed to resolve energetic dynamics/attachments remain consistent from one #bornawake® to another; in contrast, the tools needed to heal the physical being, nervous system, body, human brain and subconscious mind...these things really vary from person to person. that’s a big part of the reason i don’t offer too many tools to address trauma. in my 7+ years faciliating 1:1 sessions as a healer, teaching trainings and leading breathwork groups with up to 100 participants i have never seen the 3d processes be the same from one being to another. in contrast, when i focused top-down and looked at what energetic attachments could be addressed and resolved - the process is pretty much identical.

this is important for two reasons. first, it should give you hope that you can apply the energetic processes in this work/the portal to any stage of your healing. it really complements trauma recovery work. second, it should clarify that 3d healing does not happen automatically from doing the energetic work. 3d healing is the final step required to truly integrate, and EXPRESS this work - in your 3d life.

when i uncovered this about my operating system as a #bornawake® i felt IMMENSE RELIEF. a big part of the reason i clashed so hard with existing energetic processes as well as trauma recovery was because trauma recovery felt *too* 3d, while energetic processes/spirituality advocated this bottom-up energetic process of reaching transcendence that SABOTAGED my slow 3d healing. i felt like i had to leave my body to access the higher densities, and i felt like i had to leave my absolute perspective/connection BEHIND, in order to fully enter into trauma work. there was nothing teaching how to do both.

this is why when seeking to combine trauma healing and this work, there are two main understandings to lock in first. they will be addressed sequentially in the next two articles; they are DIRECTIONALITY and ORIGIN-INFORMED HEALING.


directionality: an introduction


finding your purpose won’t help - here’s why