in praise of the intuitive guidance system!

hey #bornawakes™! today we’re covering preeeetttttyy much my favorite thing: the intuitive guidance system. your intuitive guidance system is EVERYTHING. it truly makes (or breaks) your entire life. the clearer you hear it, the safer you feel to follow its messages... the easier and smoother and more FUN, life is.

at this point everything i do is determined by my relationship with this aspect of my being-ness. i cannot remember the last time i made a decision that did not come from this place. but that has taken YEARS. lots of practice, oodles of trial-and-error. and SO. MUCH. COMPLETION.

but let’s start at the beginning. what is the intuitive guidance system?

the intuitive guidance system is A PART OF US. it is not something or someone or some being/god/spirit/guide/ancestor. your intuitive guidance system is simply the part of you that is still tapped-into, present and aware with the totality of your being-ness. it is an aspect of your totality that is not bound by space and time.

remember that you are FAR MORE than you perceive yourself to be. you are far more than this human ‘self,’ this one narrative playing out in linear 3d reality. the more you build your conscious awareness of this aspect of yourself the easier it will be to predict, anticipate and shift 3d at will. 

why is the intuitive guidance system important?

well, we started in on that with the last sentence :) imagine if you weren’t bound by linear time. imagine if you could know the future, rewrite the past, understand the dynamics at play in the present - all while it was happening? your intuitive guidance system is this zoomed-out observer self. as you cultivate your relationship with it, you will have access to all kinds of information we’ve been raised to believe is impossible.

if our goal as #bornawakes® is to become conscious creators of our realities, the importance of this system should be obvious. creating consciously gets a whole lot easier when you can see beyond linear time. or when you have the capacity to psychically view open attachments, close out karma and pull forward masteries. the intuitive guidance system is the FOUNDATION of an energetics-first approach to life.

think of it this way. if the #bornawake® mission is energetic, the skill that will benefit you most is the ability to perceive, interpret and make sense of energetic dynamics. or even shift these dynamics at will. your intuitive guidance system is the entry-point to all of this.

so if everything that empowers you to create your own destiny comes from your intuitive guidance do you build this relationship into something you can depend on?

well, you can sign up for the portal for starters! hehe. we do make it simple in there. otherwise and if you are a portal member already here are some ways to cultivate your intuitive guidance system:

whenever you feel an instinct or ‘i wonder if maybe xyz will happen’ or otherwise get a premonition-y feeling, write it down. i have one active in my notes app on iphone always. if you’re just starting you can write them down and then pay attention to if they come true. for more advanced readers, note when you take action in alignment with the guidance you receive and what that leads to.

keep track of when it’s easy to listen to guidance, and when you struggle to trust yourself or spiral into self-doubt. these are all great entry-points to take into the portal. anywhere you resist listening to your intuitive guidance system is somewhere there’s an open attachment / lifetime that needs to be completed to step into deeper self-trust.

when it comes to the intuitive guidance system many beings come in with fears of being intuitive or psychic. this is due to past lives of being ostracized, alienated, persecuted, used or otherwise f*cked over for your abilities. these things need to be completed, so you can pull forward the energetic masteries frozen at the origin. (ahem - portal).

additionally keep an eye out for any fears of psychic abilities in your bloodline. many #bornawakes® intentionally select bloodlines with psychic, fairy, angelic, alien or witchy blood because the genetics support the energetic work they’re here to do. but if an ancestor had a trauma or fear connected to the abilities of the bloodline, these will need to be completed and released.

the activations in the portal guide you through this from start to finish. a genetic attachment will feel different than a past-life/soul one, because your personal identity won’t be wrapped up in it. this is where having a specific genetic activation really comes in handy. it’s hard to tap into these things on our own, especially at the beginning. (sign up here).

for my newbies (but anyone can benefit from this): get in the habit of tuning in for guidance a few times a day, by asking yourself questions that seem insignificant. ie, let’s say you have 3 items left on your to-do list, tune into your intuitive guidance system to select which item to do next rather than just using your conscious mind. by practicing when the stakes are low you will get a sense of what it feels like when you are truly tapped in, so that it becomes possible to trust yourself when faced with bigger decisions.

hopefully this article has given you something to think about as well as some actionable steps to cultivate your intuitive guidance system! got questions? email us :) can’t wait to hear your thoughts. sign up for the portal here. thanks for reading! until next time,



creatorhood + divine timing


being a master doesn’t mean you know everything.