signs you’re avoiding your mastery
i’m SO EXCITED for this one!!!!!!
not understanding this caused me SO MUCH shame. i literally judged myself CONSTANTLY because i didn’t know how my own operating system worked. i didn’t know what it meant to be #bornawake™ or that that was a thing. instead i felt like i was just codependent, lazy, lost, directionless and STUCK. i kept trying harder and feeling no better. i kept pushing myself feeling like i had no idea if the thing i was pushing myself TOWARDS was right for me or would make ANY difference in how i felt.
i vacillated between wanting to make a difference and giving up on everything because wanting to make a difference felt exhausting. any success i experienced came from working sooooo hard. it never felt worth it. what i really wanted to do was support the earth/collective in shedding and releasing attachments. but i didn’t know that...i just felt like the things i naturally was drawn to were things that society didn’t value and ignored. i felt that my desire to complete attachments and do nothing else was probably just another way i was AVOIDING the hard work and dedication i needed to find. i felt that i was probably trying to distract myself from my purpose.
#bornawakes® are masters. that means we aren’t here to learn. we are here to complete attachments that prevent the absolute from being expressed in 3d. we are here to do what’s needed to pull forward the mastery we have ALREADY LOCKED IN, that’s stuck on other densities due to our attachments.
of course, i spent most of my life not knowing this. so i spent most of my life looking for ‘the thing’ that would activate a purposefulness in me. these days my purpose/mission is purely energetic and i understand i’m free to select a 3d mission/purpose of my choosing, that feels fun and aligned with this absolute mission.
getting to the title of this post, what does it mean to be avoiding your mastery? it essentially means to focus your time and energy on 3d life or attachments tying you to various densities, rather than focusing on your absolute KNOWING and looking at how that can be expressed in 3d.
energetically, avoiding your mastery looks like continuing to play out and repeat attachments or dynamics you have already mastered. it looks like recreating the same situation again and again rather than locking in the ability, quality or essence that you mastered from it the first time. avoiding your mastery is NOT YOUR FAULT! it comes from not understanding the energetics at play or from understanding them but lacking the tools to actually DO anything about it. (enter: the portal).
OK fine spirit, but how does avoiding your mastery play out in 3d? give us examples! so glad you asked ;)
finding yourself in the saaaaaame unhealthy relationship dynamic again and again, where it’s like a part of you already knows it’s not gonna work out but you can’t walk away. you see the whole thing so clearly and you don’t even feel emotions about it anymore, but you also don’t see the point in leaving because you feel unable to uplevel
changing goals, dreams or business ideas again and again because none of them feels like ‘the thing,’ but you’re starting to worry that maybe you are just lazy and that’s why you keep changing tacks
not wanting to commit to any one goal or dream because you can see yourself succeeding at any one of them, but you can already feel that none of them will give you that internal satisfaction you long for
repeating an unhealthy situation in ANY area of your life, ie the same toxic job again and again, never setting boundaries with family, going into debt and getting out in cycles, WHATEVER - anything you keep repeating even though you don’t feel like anything new is being learned or gained from the repeat
a feeling of spinning your wheels
judging yourself and feeling judged by others because you know you’re here for something bigger but you can’t for the life of you figure out WHAT
looking for the thing that will fix, heal, save you even though you KNOW we’re creating our reality and nothing can ultimately do that
running out of hope because you’ve tried so many different healing modalities and trainings but all of them feel like you’re just paying to be taught something you already knew
feeling confused and embarrassed because you feel like a spiritual master so why can’t you make simple 3d things like having enough money or not being rejected/dumped go your way?
feeling totally bored with the idea of ‘transcendence’ but afraid to admit it to yourself; if transcendence doesn’t appeal to you then what the F*CK is there to aim for?!?!
if any or all of these sound like you DO NOT DESPAIR!!! you are most likely #bornawake®. (read the checklist here if you want more validation).
the good news is that if you’re avoiding your mastery YOU CAN CHANGE THAT! once i understood the energetics at play in this situation i was able to free myself from sooooo much shame.
as a #bornawake® you are not lazy, or directionless, or stuck. you just aren’t here for the same things prior generations were here for. their rules don’t apply to you. so when you succeed by their rules, you feel empty and drained; when you fail by their rules you might feel free but you also take on the energy of failure.
here’s what makes you unique as a #bornawake® - understanding this is the key to being free of shame!
your operating system works top-down, not bottom-up; thus you’re here to pull forward and embody the absolute rather than ‘wake up’ to your absolute beingness
you’re not here to master things or go through learnings/karma. you’re here to complete learnings FOR GOOD and to support the collective in learning to operate without attachments
you don’t need a 3d purpose (more to come on that), you need to fully understand your mission through the absolute and then complete and release whatever attachments prevent you from believing that’s enough.
you are not here to awaken or discover the truth of your being. you are here to own your mastery without shame or minimizing, to own that you are #bornawake® and you don’t need to keep learning but rather to implement what you know.
you are here to approach life from the ENERGETIC into the 3d expression, and to serve as an example for others that this is possible.
in the portal, i give #bornawakes® alllll the tools we need to live in alignment with what i’ve outlined above. this is a combination of tools to complete attachments and tools to pull forward and embody our mastery.
learning to operate from the energetic level can come with a lot of shame because it’s so different from what we see working for those around us. luckily, even that shame can be unwound and transformed through simple energetic shifts!
it takes a lot of courage to begin living this way, and my hope is that by sharing this information with other #bornawakes® there can become a community and a recognition of our operating system.
whether you choose to explore the tools in the portal or not hopefully this post frees you of some of the shame and self-criticism i know all too well :)
if you’re ready to check out the portal you can join here.
questions or topic requests? let us know! until next time...